Magnetofunky Archives: 131-140

Episodes 140 - 131

Magnetofunky No. 140 - September 28 2019,    Duration: 32:27

Episode Transcript

Image: Cover pic. Don't try this mockup at home...

"Benitez Circuit For Dummies"

Redemption - Rodney and Fattius Blinn

Too Simple?

Open Mic Stage: Tunes from unsignedbandweb...

Silence 2014 - Demon Slave    For Me - Boi Bry    Threnody - Exempt From Gravity

10/01-How to Take Back the Supreme Court, Manny's, SF    10/03-Remembering a Police Riot - The Castro Sweep of 1989, The GLBT Historical Society, SF    10/05-What White People Don't See - Applying the Lens of Privilege, Movement Strategy Center, Oakland

Project Reset...

Image: A mockup of a DC-AC-DC circuit where the 'A' side battery charges the 'B' side battery. Imagine the power inverter is pure sine wave......    Image: The Renogy DC - DC charger...

One More Tune:
The Delorian - Poppa Neptune

Magnetofunky No. 139 - September 21 2019,    Duration: 49:06

Episode Transcript

Image: This is all I got - a rapid DC pulse. No transformer, no square waves. All the previous readings remained...

"Spark Gap Cake"

Apricot Orange - HZK

Ground Clearance

Open Mic Stage: Industrial Head Mix...

experimental android work 05 - ish10 yow1r0    Something Whole - A Projection    I Was Instrumental in the Making of You - Z M Weiss    Pool - Audionautix    K-M-F - KMFDM

09/23-2019 SF Latino Film Festival    09/25-Global Strike SF at the Brasilian Consulate    09/28-Harambee, African Library Project Annual Gala, Pittsburg, CA

Transformer Weeds...

Image: The reading from the oscilloscope...    Image: The 20W car inverter I found online...

One More Tune:
Disturb The Peace - KMFDM

Magnetofunky No. 138 - September 06 2019,    Duration: 39:55

Episode Transcript

Image: The tank driver circuit on the Java app CircuitMod...

"Oddbal Driver"

Sushi In Tokyo - DVNA

Test Prep

Image: Top-Down view of the tank circuit...   

Open Mic Stage: Fresh Aussie Grinders...

I'm Listening - Good Doogs    Oh Good God! - Astronaut Launch Party    Braindead - The Suburbs

09/10-Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies & Research Info Session, California Institute of Integral Studies, SF    09/13-Negroponte on American National Security Priorities for 2020, Chicago Council on Global Affairs    09/14-Free Electric Car Show, Asheville Outlets    09/14-Emergency Power, SOS Survival Products, Inc., Van Nuys

Power Drive...

Image: During the test, I noticed that when reading from the common ground, the junction where the 'A' battery positive splits off to the load tap and the circuit, it'ts 22-24V...   

One More Tune:
Vigilant - Jordan Peters

Magnetofunky No. 137 - September 01 2019,    Duration: 42:54

Episode Transcript

Image: A few of the parts for the Transistor Astable Multivibrator...

"Clearing Brush"

Nite Rite - Ash Code

Tank Driver

Open Mic Stage: Grab Bag...

There You Go - K Gizzle    Trouble - Art    ROM - Saidtheanimals    fear song - Kenny Hwang

09/04-Writers for Migrant Justice, Green Apple Books on the Park, SF    09/07-Trans March Oakland    09/07-20/20 Play at SF Fringe Festival, EXIT Theatre, SF

Driver Parts...

One More Tune:
fear song - Kenny Hwang

Magnetofunky No. 136 - August 24 2019,    Duration: 42:55

Episode Transcript

Image: The spark gap leads on the Benitez-5 go here...

"Tank Follies"

The Waiting Room - Numb

Back Step

Image: Top-Down view of the circuit connections...   

Open Mic Stage: Songs From the Roster...

In New York featuring Latisha & Philips - Jassniro    Come Back, Haunt Me - Haunted Heir    If I Can't Have You - The Frontier

08/26-Lessons from BDS Activism, UC Berkeley School of Law    08/31-Slavery and Underground Railroad Tour, Lower Manhattan, NYC    08/31-Good Riddance David Koch Party, 740 Park Ave, NYCF    08/31-Bully Busting Clinic 2019, Robinsons Taekwondo-North, North Highlands

Tank Test...

Image: Before the power test, I added clip leads to the tank circuit load taps...   

One More Tune:
Happy Birthday Mr.President - The Legendary Pink Dots

Magnetofunky No. 135 - August 17 2019,    Duration: 46:08

Episode Transcript

Image: An old school 10-15 mH inductor, but I'll check to be sure...

"Mystery Load"

Always With You - Duckwood

What Is The Load

Image: The 3.9 nF film cap; close enough......   

Open Mic Stage: Assorted Big Beat Indie...

Twist The Knife - Velvet Acid Christ    Time Away - penny    You're Still Alright - Saidtheanimals    Rover - Jenn Vix

08/21-Is War with Iran Imminent - The Current Situation Explained, Manny's, SF    08/22-Buy Back The Block, Climb Real Estate, Oakland

Tank Circuit Baby Steps...

Image: One bifilar coupled inductor done......   

One More Tune:
Blue Daniel Vocalise - Shookriya

Magnetofunky No. 134 - August 09 2019,    Duration: 39:20

Episode Transcript

Image: Comparing the different tank circuit versions of Benitez patent 14311, Switch 5...

"Tank Circuit Shuffle"

Barbie Doll - Duckwood

Meta Homework

Image: A chart for transposing induction coil features onto an NPN transistor or Mosfet, minus an RF Choke inductor acting as a possible secondary coupled inductor...   

Open Mic Stage: Fresh Hard Hip Hop...

I Am - Kidd Ralphie    Eminem - Starranko    I Can't Be - Shyboylo

08/13-Ibram X. Kendi, 'How to Be An Antiracist' with Shaun King, Congregation Beth Elohim, Brooklyn    08/14-CODEPINK August Local Meeting, Somewhere in Venice    08/14-The Wrong Place, 826 Valencia Tenderloin Center, SF    08/16-Free Citizenship Clinic, Masjid Al Salam, Oakland

Inductor Options...

Image: Example of a generic RF Choke inductor with axial terminals; may work with a transistor in a tank circuit...   

One More Tune:
Save You - Duckwood

Magnetofunky No. 133 - August 03 2019,    Duration: 39:47

Episode Transcript

Image: This is the latest setup for the dual primary circuit, with the #16 primary wire, still treading water...


Adventures In Babysitting The Antichrist  - Velvet Acid Christ

View From The Thicket

Image: The output current was set to 5A; the DC converter is now ready to connect to the Benitez-8 load taps...   

Open Mic Stage: Fresh Darkwave...

Love Me - Get Back VAL    Among The Stars - Frantic Romantic    Beyoncé (feat. Courtney) - Starranko

08/05-Black Girls CODE Chicago Summer Camp, Chicago    08/09-Acorazado Tijuana, Teatro Frida Kahlo Theater, LA    08/10-Boys 'n' Guns - Masculinity in a Culture of Violence, Menlo Park City Council ChambersF    08/10-2nd Anniversary of Charlottesville - Act Against White Supremacy, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's Office, SF

Puzzle Pieces...

Image: I decided to try the simpler 9V S-E circuit. I tried to use the hair-thin wire from a car relay for the secondary, but the wire kept breaking, so I tried #32 wire with no luck...   

One More Tune:
The Bullet Wins - Velvet Acid Christ

Magnetofunky No. 132 - July 19 2019,    Duration: 39:46

Episode Transcript

Image: My Slayer Exciter primary-secondary coil tower...

"The Slayer Exciter Lateral Shift"

Nasal Passageways - WDIA

A Better Tesla Coil

Image: One of the standard schematics for a lateral stripped-down version of a Tesla coil - a Slayer Exciter...    Image: My schematic for the Benitez-8...

Open Mic Stage: Fresh Darkwave...

Seed Of Evil - Black Needle Noise    Another Prayer To Lucifer - Nero Bellum    Hope - Azam Ali

07/21-Beach Poets 2019, Loyola Beach, Chicago    07/23-Live Ship Chat from the Arctic, Exploratorium, Pier 15, SF    07/25-Pack the Court Hearing on Muslim Travel Ban Lawsuits, Phillip Burton Federal Building, SF

Building In The Weeds...

Image: The two white clip leads hooked together represents the two primary coils; the open black wire and two yellow leads represents the bottom of the secondary coil going to the gate of the Mosfet...   

One More Tune:
The Collective You - Traumabond

Magnetofunky No. 131 - July 12 2019,    Duration: 31:00

Episode Transcript

Image: The spark gap cap bank - 10-15KV in series, total of 60pf...

"Calling Dr. Funk- I Mean, Frankenstein"

Life As A Grouper - Navid Najafi

Re-Using The Wheel

Image: I re-wired the ignition coil to the circuit in a loop just like the mini Tesla coil build, putting the spark gap with the primary instead of the high voltage secondary...    Image: The boost-buck DC converter I finally picked - CC CV 5-30V Input To 1.25-30V Output, 8A 100W...

Open Mic Stage: Honolulu Kicks...

MANSION CREW 'HOUSE' - Nico Canada    Turkish Morning Club (Instrumental Chant) - The Julian Day

07/17-La Diaspora Festival - Kickoff Showcase, Artillery AG, SF    07/18-Digital Democracy with the World's First Transgender Minister, 1455 Market, 4th Fl, SF    07/20-Spectra 3.0 Hackathon, Make School, SF

Surgery With Wiggle Room...

Image: On Thur. I went to the Berkeley shop and picked up these weird 300pf capacitors...   

One More Tune:
Love and Joy - Ruido Ecuador

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