Episodes 21 - 30

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 30 - October 31, 2022,    Duration: 35:55

The rather clumsy fit of the seat bag and big backpack on top of the trunk bag shows that bikepack mode needs a better gear selection...

"Scouting Gear"

Iron Horses - Green Hog Band


Saddle Selection - Time to buy the new seat...

Selle Italia T2 Flow Saddle - one of the few bike seats I selected from the REI website, let's see if it's at the store...

Center Stage: Hard Fresh Mix

Vampire (11Grams vs This Droid Remix) - Amulet    They Be Actin - K Gizzle    The Cedar Fence Between Us - Fields Ohio   


Gear Shift - Re-assessing the gear for the different modes of travel...

Example of a tactical backpack that would serve as a rear pannier for Bikepack/Touring mode, instead of the trunk bag...   

One More Tune:

This Place On Earth - Metcalf/Roach/Thomas

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 29 - October 21, 2022,    Duration: 44:30

The gap between the sit bones determines the ideal bike seat; mine is 145mm. Image from yoganatomy.com - sit bone pain revisited...

"Sit Bones"

Werewolf's Dungeon - The Vivisectors


Saddle Survey - Looking for a comfortable touring upgrade for my big butt...

Selle SMP Martin Touring Saddle...    Brooks B-17 Saddle, a leather bike seat with a 100 year old pedigree...    Bikeroo Oversized Bike Seat...    YLG Oversized Comfort Bike Seat - 13.38 inches wide. This seat curves up to wrap around the butt...

Center Stage: Hard Halloween

Samantha - Human Adult Band    Girl Ghoul A Go-Go - Armageddon Gospel Revival    Geeked Up Cookie Monster [tallow mix] - Pressor    Dracula Mountain - Lightning Bolt


Fine Tuning - More housekeeping and finishing up bikepacking and touring details...

Mock up of the items for the trunk part of the trunk bag - Butter knife; Spork; 1-2 no cook dinner items in cans; Travel Coffee cup w. Lid; Stevia bottle; P-38 Can Opener; Hand Sanitizer; Gatorade water bottle in the rear pocket; kitchen wipes; Snacks for 2 days (6-9 items)...    The installed toe cages look good; they should, since they and the pedals are both made by Wellgo...   

One More Tune:

The Wraith Song - Palomino Witchcraft

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 28 - October 07, 2022,    Duration: 43:06

The bike trailer and cargo frame in fully assembled mode...

"Fall Cleaning"

Straight As An Arrow - Fields Ohio


Uphill Options - Trying to get past a 10% grade...

Evo Strapless toe clips, a type of toe cage that won't lock my feet in place...    New MTB flat pedals for strapless toe clips...

Center Stage: More Submitted Beats

Super Sensory Overload - Ladybread    No Less More Yes - PIG    Future Tribe (excerpt) - Steve Roach    We Could All Go Mad - Ladybread


Full Swing Pre-Launch Mode - Finally at third base on the walkabout plan...

The 10 inch steel wheels and axle freshly installed on the trailer...    Mockup of the big backpack strapped on top of the seat bag and trunk bag, with a ball bungee to tie the handle to the seat post...   

One More Tune:

Obliteration Liberation - PIG

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 27 - September 23, 2022,    Duration: 31:21

The solution to securing the solar panel to the trailer seems too easy, but I'll go with it for now...

"Solar Sail"

Plum King - Blue Dot Sessions


Gear List Resolved - What I thought would be a bigger deal becomes a minor issue...

The bike tools, spare parts, a few road wipes and nalgene pee bottle easily fits in one of the trunk bag panniers...    Bike Clothes: Short and Long Jerseys, base layers, 3 pa. cycling underwear and socks, Rain jacket and pants. This is stuffed into the other half size pannier...

Center Stage: The Hot Button Keyword 'King'

Little King by Marissa Nadler    king crab - BLOODHUFF    Between King And Clean - Chotto Ghetto    The King - Sergey Cheremisinov


Electrical Work B - The battery box is about done, the power plant control panel is 5 by 5, and the 60W solar panel is secure...

Checking the lines and circuits of the power plant after a little jiggling of the powerpole connectors to get both meters lit, then it ran 5 by 5...    Eco-Worthy included these carabiners as tie down anchors,saving a trip to the hardware store...    The bungee cord to support post tie down keeps the panel from taking off in a stiff breeze...

One More Tune:

Kevy King - 100 Chevalier

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 26 - September 11, 2022,    Duration: 32:25

The t-shirt makes me look 20lbs heavier during these week 2 squats in my cramped room...


Hyëna - KMFDM


10 Week Warm Up - The simple set of exercises to get my major muscles past Charly Horse...

Center Stage: Hard Beats From the Album Bench

Queen of Hearts ft Valentina Veil - Kill Shelter    Orcus - iVardensphere    Below the Timbers - Fields Ohio


Electrical Work A - Finishing up the Battery Box...

Electrical tape on every bare battery box interior terminal up front as a safety measure...    The batteries are finally locked down and secured...    The normal rubber terminal covers didn't fit, so gorilla tape to the rescue...

One More Tune:

Money and Sex and Death - Psyclon Nine

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 25 - August 29, 2022,    Duration: 38:00

My full matching set of bikepacking-touring gear, minus the backpack...

"The R And R Question"

Bad Girls Rule The World - SUPERARE


Rest Quest - Yet another trek through the weeds in search of a boondock spot...

Center Stage: New Surf And Punk From The FMA

Hipster Girls - The Spin Wires    Hitchhiker Effect [Instrumental] - ROZKOL    Big Sky Spy - Mr Smith

Four Wave Intersection - Apache Tomcat    Whisky - Crowander    Chakrasamvara - Ov Moi Omm


Full Matching Set - The DIY Bikepacking bags are done...

Side view of the front bikepacking bags in progress...    The rear seat bag for clothes or other light bulky items, held securely by a bungee cord...

One More Tune:

There Are No Oceans In Ohio [Fersk Fesk Mix] - Negative Øhio

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 24 - August 15, 2022,    Duration: 43:57

Photo by Malachi Brooks on Unsplash...

"When The Detour Goes Up Behind You"

Past Life Perfection in the Arboretum of Sleep - Fields OhioS


Zone Defense - The two areas with the most road hazard challenges for bike touring...

Detail from NRDC Google map showing the fallout pattern if a Fukushima-style disaster occured at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant on March 11-12 2011...   

Center Stage: Eclectic Newness From The Inbox

Don't Be Afraid - K Gizzle    Feed the Fire ft Ash Code - Kill Shelter

Careless - A Projection    Spectre in the Pines - Fields Ohio


Shop Reopened - Getting back into a groove...

The finished ground tarp roll will easily fit in a front rack bag, but what else can go with it is the question...    Tne battery box case with both switches mounted between the batteries and the old hole double patched...

One More Tune:

Prometheus Passage - Steve Roach

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 23 - August 04, 2022,    Duration: 37:36

Spring rainfall maps help determine the Summer-Autumn fire season outlook...

"Fire Season Forecasting"

My Family Thinks I'm Crazy - HoliznaRAPS


Smoke On the Trail...

Google Map detail showing Aromas in relation to the Google Bike Route, which somewhat parallels the Pacific Coast Bike Trail...   

Center Stage: Fresh Dreampop and Hip Hop

What You Deserve - Makaih Beats    Mooneyes - Paulina Fae

Magna Crusher AFTERGLOW - kaleidoplasm    breathe - Cec Says


Quarter Of An Inch..

The double camo tarp rolled up tight can fit in the handlebar harness as the sleeping gear goes in a front rack...    The replacement backpack spacer. A lot of drama for such a small thing..

One More Tune:

High on Loungin' - Wax Lyricist

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 22 - July 25, 2022,    Duration: 30:36

My intentionally uglified and cable tied bike seat for city riding...

"The Supreme Luxury of Sitting Still"

Time Will Come - Kill Shelter


Re-Launch Window - Setting a new date to go walkabout...

Center Stage: Pulled From the Pending Pile

Varunastra (feat Brittany Bindrim) - iVardensphere


Head Unit Shakeout - Jam packed bike shop; still no backpack spacer..

TThe Xoss G GPS head unit mounted on the handlebars...    The Easyklips Mini Tarp Clips look great...    The double camo tarps laid out in the morning dew...

One More Tune:

All of This ft Ronny Moorings - Kill Shelter

Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 21 - July 15, 2022,    Duration: 29:58

Alcatraz Island seen from Crissy Field on a cool foggy morning...


Channel Surf - Tab & Anitek


Training Runs - Scratch San Bruno Mt.; Sunday afternoon jaunt...

The 8-Mile Crissey Field Run, a bike training route drawn from the SFMTA Recommended Routes map...    On Sun. the 10th I rode the Embarcadero Loop. The big 'Cupid's Bow' sculpture marks the halfway point...

Center Stage: Global Surf Dusties

Surf Girls Can't Get Me Down - Naked Hassellhoff    La Surf - Chiquita y Chatarra    Surf - Ryo Miyashita

Le surf - Chocolat Billy    Nauru Surf - Bureaucratique


Molasses Quick - A little bike shop work; a little non-delivery...

Instead of ordering and waiting for red and black zipcord, I got 16 gauge speaker wire for the battery box...   

One More Tune:

Unnamed Surf Jam - The Blind Shake

Show Themes:

Acid Trumpet by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3340-acid-trumpet
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Backed Vibes by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3410-backed-vibes
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Bike bell 03.flac by cdrk
Link: https://freesound.org/s/495485/
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ (Attribution)

© 1997 - 2022 Larry Winfield. Some Rights Reserved.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective holders and authors.