Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 30 - October 31, 2022, Duration: 35:55 "Scouting Gear" Itinerary: Saddle Selection - Time to buy the new seat... Center Stage: Hard Fresh Mix Log: Gear Shift - Re-assessing the gear for the different modes of travel... One More Tune: Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 29 - October 21, 2022, Duration: 44:30 "Sit Bones" Itinerary: Saddle Survey - Looking for a comfortable touring upgrade for my big butt... Center Stage: Hard Halloween Log: Fine Tuning - More housekeeping and finishing up bikepacking and touring details... One More Tune: Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 28 - October 07, 2022, Duration: 43:06 "Fall Cleaning" Itinerary: Uphill Options - Trying to get past a 10% grade... Center Stage: More Submitted Beats Log: Full Swing Pre-Launch Mode - Finally at third base on the walkabout plan... One More Tune: Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 27 - September 23, 2022, Duration: 31:21 "Solar Sail" Itinerary: Gear List Resolved - What I thought would be a bigger deal becomes a minor issue... Center Stage: The Hot Button Keyword 'King' Log: Electrical Work B - The battery box is about done, the power plant control panel is 5 by 5, and the 60W solar panel is secure... One More Tune: Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 26 - September 11, 2022, Duration: 32:25 "Workout" Itinerary: 10 Week Warm Up - The simple set of exercises to get my major muscles past Charly Horse... Center Stage: Hard Beats From the Album Bench Log: Electrical Work A - Finishing up the Battery Box... One More Tune: Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 25 - August 29, 2022, Duration: 38:00 "The R And R Question" Itinerary: Rest Quest - Yet another trek through the weeds in search of a boondock spot... Center Stage: New Surf And Punk From The FMA Log: Full Matching Set - The DIY Bikepacking bags are done... One More Tune: Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 24 - August 15, 2022, Duration: 43:57 "When The Detour Goes Up Behind You" Itinerary: Zone Defense - The two areas with the most road hazard challenges for bike touring... Center Stage: Eclectic Newness From The Inbox Log: Shop Reopened - Getting back into a groove... One More Tune: Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 23 - August 04, 2022, Duration: 37:36 "Fire Season Forecasting" Itinerary: Smoke On the Trail... Center Stage: Fresh Dreampop and Hip Hop Log: Quarter Of An Inch.. One More Tune: Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 22 - July 25, 2022, Duration: 30:36 "The Supreme Luxury of Sitting Still" Itinerary: Re-Launch Window - Setting a new date to go walkabout... Center Stage: Pulled From the Pending Pile Log: Head Unit Shakeout - Jam packed bike shop; still no backpack spacer.. One More Tune: Magnetofunky: Walkabout No. 21 - July 15, 2022, Duration: 29:58 "Reconnaissance" Itinerary: Training Runs - Scratch San Bruno Mt.; Sunday afternoon jaunt... Center Stage: Global Surf Dusties Log: Molasses Quick - A little bike shop work; a little non-delivery... One More Tune: Show Themes: Acid Trumpet by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Backed Vibes by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Bike bell 03.flac by cdrk Link: License: (Attribution) |
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