12.23 Studios

Matchbox Studio


Ok, new month and a new round of climate chaos (here it's been a dry heat wave), but inside the sweaty studio the stone is coming along. Almost all the piece has been blocked out...

...Contour ridges and depression zones...

...A depth marker for the swooping element...

The other side...

I'm almost at the end of using the dremel to carve these out. The rifflers will then take over...

Hopefully this will split, not break off...

Extending the split...

More map-contour lines for simple depth elements to get rid of the flat plane in the back...


...Ending in a type of butterfly wing effect...

I'd like to keep those two long corners if possible....

This area marks the last un-blocked element, aside from the arches....


Ok, after two studio sessions the new elements are laid in, with a bit of detailing on the whole side...

So far the split is holding...

...and as long as I don't stress the stone, there's enough here to open that split up...

This part needs a bit more defining...

This whole side is almost caught up...

I want to keep that corner, with the help of the little bridge...

A tentative probing of the arch junction. I haven't completely visualized the split yet...

I might not even be able to get the dremel in between here; I don't want a wide gap...

...which would spoil the spatial tension...

Once I draw in these final elements, it may be time to switch to the flex shaft tool, which has a narrower body, but I'm not there yet...