Base Camp Journal
Ok, the first full month of Spring is upon us, the weather is shifting to mostly sunny days, meanwhile my upstairs neighbor is making enough noise at all hours to interfere with my shooting the first episode, and my crazy-ass neighborhood across the hall is being a sufficient enough pain to result in two police calls so far (no, I haven't done anything to provoke her; she has problems with half the people in the bldg, and I'm just her latest target)...
Anyway, on Easter Monday I went to the Best Buy for lithium batteries and a MicroSD card to set up the field recorder...

The Tascam Field Recorder ready for use...
The store's website claimed they had a GorillaPod phone mount, but not really, so I might have to order it after all. The flexible mount is strictly for B-Roll use with the busted Moto phone, so it won't slow down the work like my neighbors are currently doing...
2 1/2 weeks later the number of chilly rainy days have lessened and spread out, but I've been mired in mishigoss that kept the bike indoors, on top of the ongoing frustration with some of my neighbors...
As in, I had to go to City Hall to formally file a restraining order against the crazy one across the hall, who I discovered is being evicted next week before the court date. It took three days to get the paper work processed, all three sunny and cool...
At the end of the week the bldg. was having an electrical wiring overhaul, meaning my unit would be open and my cycling and camping gear would be vulnerable, so I stayed in as the conduits and outlets were installed...
I have the court date at the end of the month, then I can fully concentrate on superbloom riding again. The weather should be vastly improved by then...
In the meantime, I narrowed my list of road snacks to just a few carb and sweet items that are easy to chew with my dentures and should be available at just about any small grocer or gas station store - bananas of course (the no. 1 road snack); instead of Clif Bars that tend to dislodge the upper plate I prefer Mounds, particularly since they're now made with dark chocolate; Reeses's Pieces instead of M&M's; for salty I like Pringles in the half-size can and Cheez-It's in a ziploc bag. I'm also looking at snack cakes like Ding Dongs and single packet pound cake. All easy to wash down with a few swigs of water...
Ok, I finally had my court date for the restraining order against the crazy neighbor on my floor. Since she was evicted a week ago and never got served by the sherrif, I didn't ask for a continuance - I don't want to waste any more of my time on her. She's the problem for the cops and bldg. management to deal with now, so I can get back to my own business...
I've done my doctor appointments and waited out the last of the chilly rainy days, and I'm dying to get out on the bike. It irks me that the subtitle for this month is 'Bloom Rides' when I didn't get to ride at all...