Base Camp Journal
Ok, the election is upon us, the fever pitch has reached the hysteria stage, burning ballot drop boxes and actual political violence has occurred at some early voting sites in swing states, but through all the BS, I think it's gonna be ok, even though I don't expect an official calling of the election on Wednesday morning unless Kamala Harris wins by a landslide...
Meanwhile, I gotta get on with my own business...

So far I haven't missed a single day of going on my doctor-prescribed evening constitutionals after dinner. I even took a stroll after lunch a couple days ago after indulging my sweet tooth...
This is the view down Hyde St. from Bush. A few blocks farther and Nob Hill becomes The Tenderloin, but I don't walk that far...

Turns out November's not ok at all...
Like a lot of people in the country, I'm stuck in the denial/anger post-election stages at the national results, even as all the votes haven't been counted yet.
Sure, I can be pissed at the many people who voted for the couch, or those who went all 'Bradley Effect' and straight up lied about voting for Kamala Harris, or all those who didn't care about the coming waves of racist, fascist, misogynist policies laid out in the Project 2025 guidebook because they won't personally affect them or hurt their pocketbooks, but the thing that doesn't surprise me is the many people who want the dystopia of the next 4 years. The fact that this incontinent dictator won through a popular vote that wasn't even close is just the latest sign that for far too many Americans, this is exactly who they are, and this time there are no guard rails...
Meanwhile, as we all figure out how to resist, how to hold on through the regime that will be worse than before, next year I'm gonna spend less time following the news and political media because I'm so sick and tired of seeing TFG's bloated orange mug and hearing his voice. I'm gonna be too busy worrying about my Social Security and Medicare, the price hikes of the pills I have to take, the spike in groceries, the non-functioning of government services, etc. Being in a blue state will provide a small measure of protection, but the west coast will have a target on its back, and for those of us not wearing a goddamn red hat, whatever plans we all had for next year have been shaken...
One thing's for sure, I have a better idea how political the video blog will be...